
English comedy is back in Lisbon

2021, Aug 12

ENGLISH COMEDY IS BACK IN LISBON. And has been for some weeks, but I haven’t really been part of it besides helping out some people with their shows. Well, one person at least and so I wanted to write a post shouting him out since this blog still gets bunches of hits off the Google. Jacopo Spaziani has been part of English comedy in Lisbon since I became the host of the Zebras nights. If I remember correctly my first time hosting a night was his first time performing. And this point he’s certainly one of the more expereince local comedians that live in the city. He was one of the people I put on to host the comedy jam nights back in the day before the rona changed everything.

The past few months he’s been leaning on me for some help and advice on getting his own nights started. And after a bit of chit chatting he finally got some venues, comedians, and nights scheduled. He didn’t really need advice from me but it’s always scary diving into running your first events without help. I received a tremenous amount of help before I started producing my own nights, so it’s night to be able to pass on some insights.

I did give him my portable PA system so that he can do shows anywhere. That was a big issue when I first started. Not every venue I wanted to do a show at had a sound system, and they weren’t really willing to invest. So now he’s got the one I started with and he can do shows anywhere he damn pleases. He’s already got a few nights under his belt and I hear they’ve gone well, so i’m glad to see there’s still momentum going in the city for the English stuff.

If you want some minutes in Lisbon definitely hit him up on ig with the link above. There’s also a new comedy club opening up in Lisbon and it looks like their focus is on English nights. I don’t actually know anything about it, but it’s called 351 comedy club and they have an instagram set up.

Portugal is one of the few countries doing well given everything happening in the world. And that means events will continue to go on, and probaly a lot more shows and growing opportuniries. Which is dope. People really need to get out and have a good time.